Data Formatting Guidelines

Improper data formatting

Composite spreadsheets or irregularly formatted data may not be able to be analyzed or transformed by Julius. Below are several common issues to avoid:

  • Multiple sections. Your spreadsheet cannot have multiple sections.
  • Multiple tables. Similar to the point above, there should not be multiple tables in your uploaded sheet.
  • Empty rows. Make sure there are no empty rows (or columns).
Improperly structured Excel sheet
Financial statements with multiple sections need to be reformatted into tabular data
Improperly structured Google Sheet
Invoicing spreadsheets which aren't tabular and contain multiple sections and empty rows are not suitable for Julius

Proper data formatting

Well-cleaned and structured data enables Julius to perform accurate and error-free data analysis and visualization. Below are best practices to follow:

  • Column headers. Descriptive column headers must be in the first row.
  • Tabulation. Your data should be in the form of rows of records below the headers.
  • Universality. Plain, generally understandable language for column names is recommended rather than industry- or company-specific jargon.
Properly structured Excel sheet
Example of properly formatted sample customer churn data with descriptive, universally-understandable columnn headers
Properly structured Google Sheet
Well-structured, tabular synthetic company sales data